Tag Archives: refashion ideas

Jumpers refashion project

This is my first refashion project for kids. I used to love sewing when I was a kid. And I have even taken one year of fashion college, but later on I have all foresaken sewing. The good news is that my husband made me a present: a vintage sewing machine. Here it is:

vintage sewing machine

vintage sewing machine


So, now I have tons of refashion projects to finish. Here is the first one. As usual I have forgotten to take the BEFORE picture. So, this was a jumper of my older girl and she grew out of it. I refashioned it into a dress and a small handbag.

jumpers refashion

jumpers refashion


I had a very colorful top I got for the daughter on a sale. It surely looked nice on the store shelf, but it did not fit her well. So, I used it for this jumper refashion.

jumpers refashion

jumpers refashion


The top had ruffles on it, so I used them at the bottom on the dress and on the pockets.

I have made a small handbag out of the scraps of the jumper and decorated it with a rolled fabric flower made out of the top.

jumpers refashion

jumper refashion

I have also made a headband out of the top. So, now my girl got a colorful set of things instead of one old jumper. It’s an easy refashion project and a great way to go green.